Friday, August 31, 2012

Fantastic Food Friday

When it comes to weight loss and fitness goals, we often fall into a cycle of focusing on what we "can't do" -- "I just can't seem to lose those last 5 or 10 lbs." or "I can't run as fast or as far as everyone else." My words of wisdom for those feeling "stuck" in life: No matter how impossible your struggle or goal may feel today -- a simple shift in focus from "I just can't do it" to "Maybe I can't do that, but I can do this... right now... today" is all it takes to take a step in the right direction.

Maybe we can't suddenly lose 5 lbs or run a marathon straight off the couch, but there is always something we can do.  My suggestion for today:


Today, focus on fruits and vegetables -- coloring your plate with a rainbow of choices -- knowing that each color has a different and necessary set of nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy.  Added bonus -- research in both adults and children suggests that increased intake of fruit and vegetables promotes weight management. 

Fantastic Rainbow Recipe of the Day: Colorful Slaw Salad


  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup lime juice
  • 2 Tablespoons vinegar
  • 1 Tablespoon ground cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper
  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • 3 cups shredded red cabbage
  • 1 cup grated carrot
  • 4 thinly sliced green onions
  • 1 cup sugar snap peas, sliced
  • 1 sliced red pepper
  • 1 sliced yellow pepper
  • 1 cup chopped cilantro


  1. In a small bowl, whisk together honey, lime juice, vinegar, cumin, salt, and pepper. Slowly whisk in the olive oil. Set aside.
  2. Chop vegetables to bite size.
  3. In a large bowl, combine red cabbage, carrots, green onions, sugar snap peas, red pepper, and yellow pepper. Give a toss and add cilantro.
  4. Pour the dressing over the slaw and toss until coated. Check for seasoning and add salt and pepper as needed.
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Monday, August 27, 2012

Motivational Monday - The 80/20 Rule

If you are looking for the solution to weight loss, it's much more simple than you think:


The 80/20 Rule
80% of the time:
  • Eat healthy, balanced, delicious, natural, whole foods
  • Exercise daily and make sure to get that heart rate up
  • Live a balanced life
  • Keep your portion sizes reasonable 
  • Pay attention to what and how much you eat
20% of the time:
  • Give yourself a break!
  • Allow some"forbidden" food
  • Miss your workout
  • Enjoy the social aspect of eating
The 80/20 principle will not leave you feeling deprived.  You won't get instant results, but you will be changing your lifestyle habits, which leads to long-lasting results.  Don't expect perfection from yourself and then avalanche into bad habits when you can't achieve that perfection.

You will experience slip-ups, we all do, but just get back on track right away ... don't dwell on the past, move forward towards your goal.  Sometimes you'll even stay on track 90% of the time and then you can really pat yourself on the back.  All or nothing plans set you up for defeat, so just start making healthy choices 80% of the time and you will see results!


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Friday, August 24, 2012

Fantastic Food Friday

Because every girl deserves a little chocolate in her day...  and because I was completely sold after seeing this recipe for healthy Triple-Decker Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge.  Click through for more fantastic healthy dessert recipes.

Triple-Decker Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge:  
[no bake, high fiber/protein, GF, vegan]
(makes sixteen 2" squares)

Chocolate Oat Fudge Layer:
  160g (1/2 cup + 2 tbs) Coconut Butter, melted (you can make this at home)
  1/4 cup Light Coconut Milk, canned
  42g (2 tbs) Agave Nectar
  1 tsp Vanilla Extract
  1/8 tsp Salt
  32g (1 scoop) Vanilla Protein Powder
  30g (6 tbs) Regular Cocoa Powder (unsweetened)
  96g (1 cup) Rolled Oats (old fashioned, gluten free if you like)

PB Fudge Layer:
  64g (2 scoops) Vanilla Protein Powder
  84g (1/4 cup) Agave Nectar

  64g (1/4 cup) Natural Peanut Butter (no sugar/salt/oil added)

Chocolate-PB Fudge Layer:
  64g (2 scoops) Chocolate Protein Powder
  15g (3 tbs) Regular Cocoa Powder (unsweetened)
  105g (1/4 cup + 1 tbs) Agave Nectar
  64g (1/4 cup) Natural Peanut Butter (no sugar/salt/oil added)

1.  Line an 8" brownie pan with parchment paper both ways and set aside (I used tin foil because I ran out of parchment, but parchment would be better)

2.  For the Chocolate Oat Fudge Layer- in a large bowl, whisk together the melted coconut butter, coconut milk, agave, vanilla and salt.  Whisk in the protein powder, then whisk in the cocoa powder.  Fold in the oats.  Flatten mixture into the brownie pan and freeze while you make the next layer (freeze for at least 30 minutes, or until completely firm).

3.  For the PB Fudge Layer-  in a medium bowl, add the protein powder and top with the agave and peanut butter.  Stir together until all powder has been absorbed (it should not be too dry/crumbly, it should be moist enough to roll into a ball).  Scoop this into the brownie pan, spread to the edges of the pan and flatten (use a pastry roller if you have one, otherwise, put your hand in a sandwich bag and spread it manually).  Refrigerate while you make the next layer.

4.  For the Chocolate-PB Fudge Layer-  In a medium bowl, add the protein powder and cocoa powder and mix.  Top with the agave and peanut butter.  Stir until all powder has been absorbed (it should be a little more moist than the PB layer, but not by too much).  Scoop this into the brownie pan, spread to the edges and flatten (again with the pastry roller or sandwich bag).  Freeze for 30 minutes, then slice.  Serve chilled.
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Monday, August 20, 2012

Motivational Monday

its all about YOUR MOTIVATION!

When trying to make drastic lifestyle changes it can be very hard!
BUT the only one who can make these changes are you!
Make sure to set reasonable goals for yourself!
And do not lie about the good/bad things you ate…
or the workouts you did/didn’t do!
Lying only hurts you from not allowing you to achieve your goal!
Keep yourself motivated and work hard!
You will reach your goal!!

Happy Monday!
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Friday, August 17, 2012

Fantastic Food Friday

Maybe it's the relentless heat of the Arizona summer making me yearn for signs of Autumn. With September right around the corner, this former midwestern girl is nostalgic for the giddy feeling of "sweater weather" and changing leaves.  This may explain my recent infatuation with homemade granola.  I can't get enough of the stuff.  Crunchy, chewy, and slightly sweet with hints of cinnamon and vanilla... warm from the oven... so very reminiscent of fall in the midwest.  I'm eating mine for breakfast and dessert with Greek yogurt, warm peaches.

Visit for a nice discussion on the health benefits of healthy granola for weight control, lower cholesterol and more: Health Benefits of Granola.

Simple Granola

4 cups rolled oats (not instant)
1 cup raw almonds, chopped
1.5 cups flaked coconut (not shredded)
1/4 tsp. finely ground sea salt 
1/3 cup liquid honey (or maple syrup, agave)
4 Tbsp. coconut 
Dash of vanilla extract (optional)
Sprinkle with Cinnamon (optional)

1. Preheat over to 350°F.
2. In a small saucepan over low-medium heat, whisk oil and honey together.   Add vanilla extract if desired.
3. In a large bowl combine oats, almonds, coconut, and sea salt. 
4. Pour oil and honey mixture over dry ingredients and stir very well to coat. Place on a cookie sheet.  Sprinkle with cinnamon if desired.  Bake for 10 minutes; remove from oven and stir. Place back in oven but remove and stir every 5 minutes or so until the oats are golden brown (approx. 25-30 minutes).  Keep an eye on it as it bakes.  Ovens vary, and you do not want to overcook. 

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wednesday Wisdom

Wednesday Wisdom
Spaghetti Sundays…
I grew up attending MANY of these dinners!
From the garlic cheese bread…unlimited meat balls…and you can not forget to mention the variety of desserts that have been offered!
Today, I am going to share some tips on how to make your next Spaghetti Sunday (or Monday…Tuesday…or whatever day of the week!)
Change your pasta!
Have you ever considered using a different types of noodles? One of the best options you can try is whole wheat pasta! It should not cost you any more (and if it does it should not cost you too much more) to buy whole wheat noodles. I know that my local grocery store now carries many different types of whole wheat pasta noodles! From angel hair pasta to linguine noodles. I have even found bow tie noodles as well as elbow shaped noodles! You can find any traditional noodle in the whole wheat option. NOTE: there should be two options at your store. There is WHOLE WHEAT and WHOLE GRAIN pasta. Both are better for you than the regular flour pasta options. They have more fiber and they overall have more nutritional benefits. The only difference it that whole wheat is made of the whole wheat grain. The Whole grain option is made with the whole grain. 
Change your meat!
I know that some families add meat to their pasta sauce to make the spaghetti more filling. Most people use regular beef. BUT have you ever considered using 98% lean beef? Or how about ground turkey? Or maybe even consider ground chicken? All of those are a healthier and leaner option than regular ground beef.
Watch your sauce!
Regular tomato sauce is the best option for your family spaghetti meals. Creamy sauces have more ingredients which result in more calories. As a golden rule in eating healthy…try to stay away from sauces (and even salad dressings) that are creamy and thick! Those option pack more calories and are not as healthy for you. Also, try to find low sodium sauces to help cut back on the sodium intake for that meal.
Watch your portion sizes!
One of the top problems with weight gain is consuming more calories than you should during your meal! Try to portion out the correct sizes of pasta, sauce, and anything else you serve during the meal to help your family realize the importance of correct portion sizes. I know how easy it is to pile on the pasta and drown it in sauce! But, preparing your plate that way puts 3…4…or even MORE portion sizes than you should be consuming during that meal.
Watch how much bread you make!
Garlic bread is a staple product with spaghetti meals! And yes it is OK to have them with your meal! BUT here are a few tips to make your bread serving a little better
Try having whole wheat bread instead of the regular white flour bread. This is the healthier options for bread and can also help cut back the calories. Also, do not use as much butter!!! Try using olive oil or an olive oil spray to lightly spray the tops of the bread to allow them to get brown. Try using a low sodium garlic seasoning to help add the desired flavor for your bread. And last but not least, do not forget to create the right portion sizes of bread that you hand out at the dinner table.
Don’t forget the sides!!
Lastly, you can not forget to have some healthy side options available to have with your meal. You can try things like spinach, green beans, peas, corn, squash, small side salads….or practically anything else you and your family would like. I always suggest having two side options to go with your pasta and bread. This will allow for a more well-rounded meal, and the change to get other needed nutrients in their meal.

Dessert can be fun and low-calorie as well! Try making jello or a low-calorie pudding (with a dollop of whip cream!) There are dozens of inexpensive and low-calorie dessert options for you to cook for dessert!
I hope that these tips were helpful! There is always many different things you can alter to help make your weekly family meals a healthier meal option!

Happy Wednesay!
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Monday, August 13, 2012

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday!

Happy Monday!
Ok the weekend if over!
So…if you slacked a little bit on your diet…
or if you slacked a little bit on your working out…
Look at your goals and motivate yourself to work a little harder this week!
No one can make these changes but YOU!
Lets work hard!

Happy Monday!
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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fantastic Food Friday - Healthy Baking Substitutions

If you're like me, you love to eat yummy baked goods, but you rarely make them because of how bad they are for you.  Well, after years of experimenting and exploring, I have finally found the healthy eaters answer to baking ... Healthy Baking Substitutions!  Jordan over at Picklee has put together this beautiful and comprehensive list of substitutions.  Some I've used, some I've heard of, and some were just new and awesome to me.  Regardless, have fun and see how healthy you can get your kids to eat when it tastes this good (not to mention, satisfy that sweet tooth of yours).  Enjoy! 

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wednesday Wisdom

Taco Tuesday!!
Does your family regularly participate in weekly meals?
When I was a child, I knew that some days of the week we would be graced with tacos…or spaghetti…or burgers. And as a child, I think there is nothing more exciting than expecting to have one of your favorite meals each week!
BUT this could be a potential problem for those who are trying to adapt healthier eating habits,
NO WORRIES! I am sharing some healthier alternatives that can turn your Taco Tuesday into a HEALTHIER Taco Tuesday. Now you and your family can keep your taco date each week without you breaking your healthy eating habit! :-)
  • Try using LOW FAT sour cream and cheese. This can help cut those unwanted calorie intake in almost half!
  • Try using soft tortillas and try to use WHOLE WHEAT tortillas instead of the traditional shells.
  • Have you ever considered using ground turkey meat instead of regular meat? If you do not like turkey meat try to get LEAN hamburger meat.
  • Try to have steamed veggies instead of Mexican rice and beans (or you can use black beans for a healthier option!)
  • Try to measure out correct portion sizes for your tacos/taco salad so you are sure to not double the food you are supposed to consume for the meal!
  • Skip the carbonated drinks or sweet tea! Try to stick to water for your beverage of choice
  • try to limit or cut out guacamole! Yes it is healthy for you but it packs a lot of calories!
  • Think about using baked chicken or shrimp instead of beef!

Still want chips with your meal? Try to make your own! Get a normal round tortilla, lightly spread some olive oil on top, slice the tortilla into the desired chip sizes you would like, then sprinkle it with sea salt (or any other spices you may have). Put your over on 350 degrees. Place your tortillas in the over for about 15 minutes. MAKE SURE TO WATCH IT! They get brown pretty quickly. You can let them get as brown as you would like before they burn (the browner they are the more crunchy they are!) Take them out and let them cool for about 10 minutes, and you have healthier “chips” for you to enjoy with your meal.
There are a lot of things you can change or add to make your family meals a healthier meal! You just have to be mindful of the ingredients you are using and learn what to substitute to help make it taste just as yummy as you would like! You do not have to sacrifice good tasting food so you can eat healthier!
Happy Taco Day!
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Monday, August 6, 2012

Motivational Monday - A Guide to Interval Training

The Complete Guide to Interval Training

More Health and Fitness News & Tips at Greatist.

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Friday, August 3, 2012

Fantastic Food Friday

The Simply Sensational Sandwich

Does your sandwich need a makeover?  A healthy sandwich doesn't have to be boring.  Choose a combination of lean proteins, whole grains, low fat spreads and relishes, and top generously with fruits and vegetables.  Check out the fresh ideas listed below. Try it toasted, grilled, rolled in a wrap, or open-faced and salad-topped, but make it fantastic!

Lean Protein: Roasted, sliced, diced, shaved, shredded meats — or substitute any lean protein  

Whole grain: Sliced bread, bun, roll, tortilla, pita, ciabatta, baguette, focaccia, naan, English muffin, bagel, flat bread, cracker

Spread or relish: Mustard, low-fat mayonnaise, cranberry relish or other fruit spread, hummus, honey, pesto, peanut butter, salsa, low-fat refried beans, BBQ sauce

Toppings: Lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, peppers (sweet, hot or spicy), celery, radishes, cucumbers, herbs, apple, pear, grapes, raisins, chopped nuts

Prep Style: Traditional (layered), toasted, grilled or panini style, roll or wrap, stuffed, open-faced, salad-filled

One to try from

Peach, Tomato and Ricotta Sandwich


  • 2 tablespoons ricotta
  • 2 slices whole-grain bread, toasted
  • 3 slices tomato
  • 3 slices peach
  • 2 slices red onion
  • Sea salt
  • Extra-virgin olive oil
  • Fresh basil


  1. Spread ricotta on bread and top with tomato, peach, and onion. Sprinkle with salt and drizzle with oil. Top with basil.

Cook's Note

Fruit Exchange
Nectarines, plums, and cherries also work in this combo.

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wednesday Wisdom

Are you making the right SNACK choices?…

There are SO MANY healthy and delicious snack options for you out there!
The Key to being successful with obtaining your health and fitness goals are a mixture of a steady workout plan and eating right!
You have to learn how to control your portions and how to eat correctly! If not, you will not start to see the results you are looking for!
Yes it will be hard…and yes it will take a little time to get use to saying no to those potato chips and yes to some fruits or vegetable. But in the end it will be worth it!
REMEMBER! Your snacks should be around 300 calories. You do not want a BIG snack that will add calories to your diet and you do not want your snack to over power your next meal. A snack is there to allow you the chance not to get hungry between meals and it allows you the chance to give your body some fuel to help keep you going and to help you keep burning calories throughout the day.
So be mindful of the snacks you purchase and consume during your health and fitness journey! Here are a few healthy snack options.

Happy Wednesday!!

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