Monday, April 30, 2012

Motivational Monday

So many people struggle to change health behaviors and many don’t even try. What if they could identify the habits they use to get them through the day, and then trade the unhealthy habits for healthy ones?
This isn’t groundbreaking advice, but it’s solid. What if people replaced over-eating with exercise, (unnecessary) rest with activity, and caffeine breaks with stretch breaks? What if doing so worked for you? What if you became a success story instead of an excuse maker? Nothing is guaranteed and sometimes the best planning falls flat. But you don’t know what will work for you until you try. What have you really got to lose?

Spring has defiantly sprung here in Arizona and summer is just right around the corner. That typically means a boost in motivation to get fit. Take it a step further this time by using these fitness tips:
  • set a realistic goal that inspires you
  • map out a manageable plan to reach it
  • plan ahead for setbacks and how to get around them
  • make healthy lifestyle choices that support your fitness goal
  • avoid excuses and seek out better fitness facts, tips and motivation

Happy Monday
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Friday, April 27, 2012

Fantastic Food Friday

I scream, you scream... we all scream for ice cream?  Grab one of these easy-to-make and deliciously guilt-free summer treats instead, and show your sugar cravings who's boss! 

Homemade Fresh Fruit Popsicles from dandysugar Pin It

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday Wisdom

Wednesday Wisdom
With a Starbucks on every corner and vending machines in every office building and school, it seems that coffee and soda is the predominant source of liquid nourishment in today's society. It is not a surprise then that the majority of the people in the US don't get enough water. Chances are, you are dehydrated right now, and you don't even know it! Now put down your double latte and find out why drinking water is perhaps the most important element in a healthy lifestyle.

Are you hydrated?
Most people that are dehydrated do not even know it. What are some of the symptoms of dehydration? Fatigue, moodiness, a "drained" feeling, and thirst. That's right, if you are thirsty, you are actually dehydrated! What's even more surprising than that, many people have such a weak feeling for thirst, that often it not even apparent to them that they are thirsty.
Just how dehydrated do you have to get before you start feeling deleterious effects? As little as a 1% loss of water can translate to an increase in core temperature during exercise. A 3-5% loss of water can put a strain on the cardiovascular system and further impair the ability of the body to dissipate heat. When the body loses 7% of it's water, the result is most likely collapse.
45-75% of a human's weight is from water, and the muscles of the body are 75% water.
How do I get hydrated?
Keeping hydrated is as simple as drinking your daily requirement of water for the day, but just what is your daily requirement? Well, the "average" person, in a normally humid environment, without unusual physical exertion, loses the following amounts of water: Approx. 2 cups per day from normal perspiration, another 2 cups from breathing, and a total of 6 cups from the intestines and kidneys. That equals about 10 cups, or 2.5 quarts. Remember, this is all without heavy exercise of dry environments. If you weigh more than average, exercise, live in a hot or dry environment, you will definitely use more water.
The good news is, you won't need to down multiple quarts of water just to replenish what you lose each day. You can get several cups of water from your food. However, it is recommended that you still take in around 6-8 cups of water each day. More specifically, your weight divided by 2 for the number of ounces you should drink each day (there are eight ounces in a cup, so divide by eight to get the number of cups).
Most importantly, when I say drink 6-8 cups of water a day, I mean WATER, not juice or milk or coffee or tea. Only pure water counts towards your 6-8 cups. The body can distinguish between pure water and a solution, like Gatorade. Pure water is quickly absorbed and put to good use. A solution sits in the digestive system and is slowly assimilated as the solute (the substance dissolved in the solvent, the solvent usually being water) are broken down and digested. The process of digesting the solute often requires more water than what is actually gained from the solvent. This is on top of whatever diuretic (dehydrating) effect from any caffeine in the drink. It's still OK to drink coffee or juice or milk, but do not count it towards your total water intake.
Now that we know how much to drink and what to drink, we need to know when to drink it, and how to drink it. First off, the absolute worst thing to do is to drink a very large amount of water all at once. The body will respond to a sudden sharp increase in water by releasing diuretic hormones to excrete as much of the excess water as possible, further dehydrating you. This can actually be deadly. Hypernatremia is the condition of drinking an extremely large amount of water in a short amount of time. The amounts of water needed to induce hypernatremia is beyond what most people can tolerate, but large spikes of water in the body are still undesirable. Sip water throughout the day. Bring a water bottle with you to work to make it easier.
The other big mistake you can make is to drink lots of water with your meals. This dilutes stomach acid at the time when you need it most, and keeps your food from digesting properly. Optimally, give yourself 15 minutes before and 30-60 minutes after the meal before you start drinking water normally. Milk is an acceptable liquid to drink with meals because the casein (a slow digesting protein) in milk will form a semi-solid in the stomach, allowing for slower more efficient digestion than water will. Red wine, baring any contraindications, is also acceptable because it assists in breaking down fats.

Helpful Reminders

Bring a water bottle with you everywhere, and fill it as often as necessary.
Sip water slowly throughout the day.
Drink more when you exercise, when it is hot, or when you are in a dry, stuffy environment.
Cut back on caffeine containing beverages if possible.
Don't drink water with meals, drink red wine or milk instead.

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Happy Wednesday

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Monday, April 23, 2012

Motivational Monday

The change of seasons and schedules is a great time to change your workout routine add an extra day of boot camp or even try the babes on the run class. Take a step back to reassess your goals and your fitness plan. Maybe you’ll decide to try something new or work on strengthening a weak area. Think about the big picture!

Happy Monday!!
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Friday, April 20, 2012

Fantastic Food Friday

A healthy diet requires the proper balance of nutrients and adequate calories to sustain a strong body.  Even with a goal of weight loss, moderation and balance is key.  Start your day with this happy balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat that may even fuel you through to lunch.  

 Fried Egg Tostada with Sausage, Spinach and Tomatoes

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday Wisdom

Here is a little Wednesday Wisdom~Well before your workout plan your PRE & POST snacks or meals. This not only gets you thinking about working out and living healthy, it can prevent a post-exercise binge if you are hungry.
 If you wait until you’re hungry to decide what to eat you’ll eat anything in front of you. Choose between 3-6 meals per day and ration your total calories accordingly. Use a calorie tracking reference or tool that makes it easy to count calories throughout the day. Measure everything! Plan on drinking lots of water because you don’t want to drink your calories – you need to spend calories on nutritious foods
Try some of these satisfying, yet healthy and low fat snack suggestions:

* Popcorn, made with air popper
* "Bars" that are high in protein, low fat and moderate carbs -- some recommended choices are South Beach Living Protein Cereal Bars and Luna Bars
* Non-fat yogurt
* Pretzels (the hard kind)
* Dry cereal (make sure to avoid high sugar varieties)
* Low fat granola
* A small "Berry Fulfilling" Jamba Juice smoothie
* Use peanut butter sparingly to make banana, apple or celery more exciting. Spread a thin layer of peanut butter on an apple wedge and then cover with raisins
* Quaker rice cake minis -- try the chocolate mint - it has decadent flavor with low fat and low calories
* Dried pineapple - yes, it is fruit, but it is portable, easy and sweet!
* Tuna - mix some tuna with light mayo and spread it on whole grain crackers for a filling healthy snack.
* Pickles - don't eat too many because of the salt, but a couple baby dills can really quash cravings.
* Hummus - dip carrots or other crudites in it to snazz up their flavor.
* Skinny cow cones and skinny dippers - when you really need a decadent-feeling treat, one of these will do the trick!

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Monday, April 16, 2012

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.”
H. Jackson Brown

It always seems to me that Easter is a real book mark in the year; there is the time before Easter and then the time after Easter. It very much separates one part of the year from another.
Now with Easter fully over (school kids going back and people returning from their holidays) I think this is a great time to reconsider what and where we are going. Are we doing things that will truly challenge us or are we just getting older walking along the same old tread mill?

On a personal level there are plenty of months left in 2012 for new goals to be conceived, planned and actioned. And from a fitness/health perspective it’s a great time to consider where you are against your goals? If you are setting fitness/health goals and trying to reach them. Maybe you’ll decide to try something new or work on strengthening a weak area. Get a fitness or weight loss app for your phone. Set up your profile and then track ALL your activity (and inactivity!) by the hour and EVERYTHING you eat and drink. Then let it do the math and see if your energy equation is balanced or not. You could learn a lot! When grocery shopping buy treats you can easily take measured portions of and avoid foods you have a history of overeating. Buy something you like that will satisfy a craving instead of something irresistible to you. Fitness is not an all or nothing proposition! Every little bit counts. Do something today to help yourself improve!
If you haven’t fully sailed out into those trade winds then maybe now is the time to do it!

Happy Monday!!

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Friday, April 13, 2012

Fantastic Food Friday

I am swooning over the ingredient list for this week's recipe.  The celebration of fresh, local ingredients and abundant flavor pairings make little else necessary.  Happy Friday, and may your food be fantastic!

Sweet corn, chilies and burrata over fettucini Pin It

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday Wisdom

Here is another fun Wednesday Wisom fact, Exercise Gives You Energy
You might be surprised at how, say, popping in for a boot camp class in the morning can change your whole day. When endorphins are released into your bloodstream during exercise, "you feel much more energized the rest of the day."
And when you improve your strength and stamina, it's easier to accomplish everyday tasks like carrying groceries and climbing stairs. This also helps you feel more energetic over the course of the day.
A common excuse is that your too tired to exercise. While exercise may make you feel more tired at first, that won't last long.
The physical tiredness you feel after working out isn't the same as everyday fatigue. Besides, once your body adjusts to exercise, you'll have more energy than ever.

Happy Wednesday!!

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Monday, April 9, 2012

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday

2012 is our year, I can feel it! I bet you all have several goals set for both your personal and professional life. But, with the huge goals you have set for yourself, you are going to need to keep up your motivation so that you can achieve them all! Here are a few fun list of motivational quotes to look at today, I thought it would give you a little extra motivation for the week ahead! :)

Happy Monday!!
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Friday, April 6, 2012

Fantastic Food Friday

Did you know that beets are one of the most nutritious food items you can eat? Rich in carbohydrates, they provide fuel to the body. They have no saturated fat, no trans fat, and are low in calories.  Furthermore, beets provide a host of powerful disease preventing benefits that are especially relevant for women.  High in calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and folic acid, they help to ward off osteoporosis,  prevent birth defects, lower cholesterol - preventing strokes and hypertension - and have anti-inflammatory properties beneficial to asthma sufferers.  Beets are great juiced, grated in salads or roasted and pureed in a delicious nutrient rich soup.  Looking for a fresh side dish idea for Easter dinner?  Beets are a perfect addition to your holiday table.

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wednesday Wisdom

Wednesday Wisom
Here's a "Wednesday Wisdom" for you,
High-fructose corn syrup, sometimes called corn sugar, has become a popular ingredient in sodas and fruit-flavored drinks. In fact, high-fructose corn syrup is the most common added sweetener in processed foods and beverages. Given how ubiquitous high-fructose corn syrup is, some people are concerned about possible adverse health effects. Some research studies have linked consumption of large amounts of any type of added sugar — not just high-fructose corn syrup — to such health problems as weight gain, dental cavities, poor nutrition, and increased triglyceride levels, which can boost your heart attack risk
It's important to consume any added sugar only in moderation. Consider these tips to cut back:
·         Avoid sugary, non-diet sodas. Drink water or other unsweetened beverages instead.
  • Choose breakfast cereals carefully. Although healthy breakfast cereals can contain added sugar to make them more appealing to children, skip the non-nutritious, sugary and frosted cereals.
·         Eat fewer processed and packaged foods, such as sweetened grains like cookies and cakes and some microwaveable meals.
·         Snack on vegetables, fruit, low-fat cheese, whole-grain crackers, and low-fat, low-calorie yogurt instead of candy, pastries and cookies.

Have a Wonderful Wednesday!!
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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday

How do you find motivation to exercise when you just don’t feel like getting off your butt? I ask myself this question every now and then, and I have the feeling I’m not the only one.
There are a million ways to motivate yourself to exercise, actually, but these are a few that have worked for me. Trust me, I’ve had days when I’ve struggled with exercise. Most recently, the things that have helped include going to boot camp, finding a workout partner, logging my exercise, reading magazines, books and websites, and rewarding myself.
How you feel after a workout. I always feel great after a good workout. It’s a high. And I let that motivate me the next time: “You know how good you’re going to feel!”
Time for you. While many people make time to take care of others (kids, spouse, other family, co-workers, boss), they don’t often make time to take care of themselves. Instead, make your “you” time a priority, and don’t miss that exercise appointment.
Calories burned. If you count calories (and it’s really one of the most effective ways to lose weight), you know that the more you exercise, the more calories you burn — and the bigger your calorie deficit.
Having fun. Exercise should be fun. If it isn’t, try a different kind of activity that you enjoy. As long as you’re moving, it’s good for you.
How you’re going to look. Imagine a slimmer, fitter you. Now let that visualization drive you.
Magazines. It motivates me to read fitness magazines. Not sure why, but it works.
Blogs. I enjoy reading blogs about people who are into running, or losing weight. It can show the ups and downs they go through, and you can learn from their experiences.
Success stories. I find the success stories of others incredibly inspirational. If a fitness website has success stories, I’ll almost always read them.
Rewards. If you exercise for a few days, give yourself a reward! A week? Another reward. Do it often in the beginning.
Fitting into new clothes. Wanna look good in a smaller size? Work out!
Adrenaline rush. I get a rush when I exercise. Ride that rush to complete the workout.
Stress relief. Wound up after a long day of work? Get out and work off that stress. It makes a world of difference.
Your before picture. You often don’t realize how far you’ve come. Take pictures.
A 5K race or triathlon. Just sign up for one, and you’ll be motivated to train.
The dread of feeling “yuck” from not exercising. I hate how I feel after not exercising. So I remind myself of that when I feel tired.
Living long enough to see your grandkids … and play with them.
Reaching a goal. Set a goal for weight, your measurements, or a number of days to work out, or a number of miles to run this week. Setting and tracking a goal helps motivate you to complete that goal. Make it easily achievable.
Motivational quotes. I like to print them out or put them on my computer desktop.
Others commenting on how good you look. When someone notices the changes in your body, it feels good and it makes you want to work out more.
An upcoming day at the beach, or a reunion. Nuff said.

What are your motivations? Let us know in the comments.

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