Monday, June 4, 2012

Motivational Monday

Live at your edge!  Being uncomfortable is where you will find your potential and make an impact.  We are all afraid of something, but fear is not a reason to avoid things, it's a reason to challenge them. 

The fear of failure is something common between most people, but playing it safe has risks as well.  If you never dare to fail, you limit the height of your success.  With failure comes opportunities to learn and to recover.  Try the following to put the risk and reward in perspective and help you overcome your fear:

1.  Put the Worst Case Scenario in Perspective - Sometimes we lose sight of what the risk really is and once it's in perspective, it doesn't seem as bad.

2.  Make a Contingency Plan - So what if you do fail, what happens?  What will you need to do next?  What does failure mean? 

3.  Consider the Cost of Missed Opportunities - If you don't try, you can never succeed.

4.  Take the Power out of Fear by Understanding it - What are you really afraid of?

5.  Understand the Benefits of Failure - There are always as many, if not more, lessons in our failures than in our success.

6.  Build Your Confidence by Starting with Small Steps and Building Up - If you're afraid of heights, try jumping off a small mound.  You'll realize it's not as bad as you thought, so you can try a bigger one and then a bigger one.  By taking on your fears in smaller steps, you break down the fear, bit by bit.

7.  Leave Yourself No Choice but to Follow Through - Register for that race, sign up for that exam.  When you leave yourself no option but to try, it becomes a less frightening choice.

Whether it's in fitness, adventure, academics, or something completely different, I challenge you to find something you fear and take it on - you'll be happy you did!!!

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