Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wednesday Wisdom - Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds - The OTHER Super Seed

Many people know about the "super seed" flax - it's "super" because it delivers maximum nutrition with minimal calories.  Chia seeds have the same nutritional benefits as flax, including omega fatty acids, antioxidants, fiber, calcium, protein, and more, but without the need to grind them up.  Without grinding, flax is not properly absorbed by the body, but once ground into powder or oil, the flax must be stored in a dark, cool place - not something you can always guarantee when you buy it at the store. 

As a staple of ancient Aztec and Mayan diets, the name Chia comes from the Mayan word for strength.  Back as early as 3500BC, chia seeds were consumed regularly and were considered magical because of their ability to increase endurance, energy, and stamina.  After the conquest of Latin America by the Spanish, the farming of chia seeds was banned and finally, nutritionists are recognizing the benefits and the popularity of chai seeds in North American culture is rising.

  The overall benefits of chia seeds are numerous 
  • Chia is one of the most concentrated sources of omega-3 fatty acids ... even more than salmon!  It is also very high in omega-6.  Both of these essential fatty acids build new cells and regulate various processes of the body, and our bodies cannot make them internally.  As an added plus, they also support beautiful hair, skin, and nails, and a healthy heart.  
  • As a super-power for protecting our body against free radicals, antioxidants are another nutrient that you can count on chia seeds for.
  • With almost 11g of fiber per serving, chia delivers over 40% of your daily value of fiber in a single serving.  Fiber is key for weight loss and digestion and helps to make you feel fuller by soaking up fluid and expanding in your digestive tract.  
  • Many Americans are not getting enough calcium, but a serving of chia seeds contains more than 15% of your daily needs - which is more than three servings of skim milk!  A shortage of calcium can lead to osteoporosis, meaning fragile bones.
  • The chia super seed also contains all of the essential amino acids, which means it's a protein with a powerful amino acid combination that will help with more effective training sessions at Boot Camp and faster muscle strengthening.
Since they don't require grinding, chai seeds can be thrown into almost anything; smoothies, oatmeal, yogurt, salad ... you can even just add a spoonful to a cup of water and drink it!  They start out as crunchy little seeds you can chew and after sitting in liquid for a few minutes, soften to a gel-like texture.  Don't believe me about the power of the seed?  Check out what Dr. Oz has to say about them!

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